If you're a web designer, web developer, information architect, product manager, usability professional, content publisher, or an entrepreneur new to the mobile web, this book provides you with the knowledge you need to work with this rapidly developing technology. Mobile Design and Development will help you:
- Understand how the mobile ecosystem works, how it differs from other mediums, and how to design products for the mobile context
- Learn the pros and cons of building native applications sold through operators or app stores versus mobile websites or web apps
- Work with flows, prototypes, usability practices, and screen-size-independent visual designs
- Use and test cross-platform mobile web standards for older devices, as well as devices that may be available in the future
- Learn how to justify a mobile product by building it on a budget
Brian has hit the mark with this title! Mobile development is about so much more than APIs and the latest models of phones—it is about making a difference in the way we live, work and play. Reading this book should be the first task in any new mobile development project. Period.
–Frank Ableson, President, MSI Services, Inc. Author of Unlocking Android, Mobile Editor for Linux Magazine
For a review copy or more information please email kathrynb@oreilly.com Please include your delivery address and contact information.
Brian Fling owns and runs mobiledesign.org, the largest mobile design and development discussion list on the web. He's been in both the web and mobile industries for close to a decade as an entrepreneur, consultant and employee. Brian also wrote the dotMobi Mobile Web Developers Guide, the first complete guide to mobile authoring.
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For more information about the book, including table of contents, index, author bios, and cover graphic, see:
Mobile Design and Development
Brian Fling
ISBN: 9780596155445, 332 pages,
Book Price: $34.99 USD, £34.50 GBP
Ebook Price: $27.99 USD
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