Sebastopol, CA, December 17, 2012—Now in its 15th year, OSCON has shown that open source software is the standard for everyday programming languages, databases, utilities, and operating systems. At OSCON 2013, we'll celebrate the open source success story and its ongoing revolution. What can you contribute to this year's program?
The call for proposals has opened for OSCON, the O'Reilly Open Source Convention. We invite the world's open source pioneers, builders, and innovators to gather again at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland July 22-26, 2013.
Chairs Edd Dumbill, Matthew McCullough, and Sarah Novotny have organized the program into 20 full tracks covering all things open source. They're interested in the following topics, and they look for proposals on other relevant subjects. Suggested topics include:
- How expanding one's skills beyond a core competency makes for a better technologist
- Best practices for building a business around open source
- Innovations in user experience such as interfaces, design, and usability
- Cultural changes due to ubiquitous networks and computing devices
- Cloud computing, and openness in distributed services
- Geek lifestyle hacking, productivity tips, maker culture
- Open web, open standards, and open data
- Leadership in the changing open source culture
Submit your proposal by February 4, 2013.
Registration opens in March, 2013.
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Planning for #OSCON 2013 is underway and we're looking for speakers oreil.ly/UnDo76 @oscon @oreillymedia
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