Want to be a good software architect? Say “yes” to a lot of things.

An interview with Scott Shaw, Head of Technology, Australia, at ThoughtWorks.

By Mac Slocum
December 20, 2016
Long exposure juggling. Long exposure juggling. (source: thomasstaub via Pixabay)

O’Reilly’s Mac Slocum speaks with Scott Shaw, Head of Technology, Australia, at ThoughtWorks. They discuss:

The essential traits of a good software architect: extract the general out of specific concepts and be able to extrapolate experience to new domains. (00:07)

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“Coding is just the beginning,” Shaw says. Effective software architects have experiences across a variety of tech roles and areas—including support. (00:37)

Fragile egos and software architecture don’t mix. “If you’re not willing to listen to people less experienced and younger than yourself, you will very quickly become obsolete,” Shaw says. (02:40)

Take leadership roles to acquire the soft skills and management experience you’ll need as a software architect. (03:31)

The people and projects he’s following. (05:14)

Watch Software Architecture Fundamentals Soft Skills to learn how to become an effective software architect and leader.

Post topics: Software Architecture