Showcasing the real-time processing revival

Tools and learning resources for building intelligent, real-time products.

By Ben Lorica
August 31, 2015
Illustration of the earth traveling around the sun Illustration of the earth traveling around the sun

Register for Strata + Hadoop World NYC, which will take place September 29 to Oct 1, 2015.

A few months ago, I noted the resurgence in interest in large-scale stream-processing tools and real-time applications. Interest remains strong, and if anything, I’ve noticed growth in the number of companies wanting to understand how they can leverage the growing number of tools and learning resources to build intelligent, real-time products.

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This is something we’ve observed using many metrics, including product sales, the number of submissions to our conferences, and the traffic to Radar and newsletter articles.

As we looked at putting together the program for Strata + Hadoop World NYC, we were excited to see a large number of compelling proposals on these topics. To that end, I’m pleased to highlight a strong collection of sessions on real-time processing and applications coming up at the event.

In particular, we have speakers representing many of the most popular tools and frameworks, and sessions on applications to IoT, industrial problems, and smart cities. In many instances, sessions on specific tools, topics, and applications will feature speakers from the teams who created them.

I skimmed the sessions and put together an overview on real-time technologies sessions and applications sessions at Strata + Hadoop World NYC:

Chart of large scale real time applications

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Post topics: Big Data Tools and Pipelines